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郑 强 (1955.2—)湖北荆州人。擅长中国画。1981年毕业于湖北美术学院。1985年调入湖北省美术院,后任湖北省美术院中国画创作研究室主任。2003年调入深圳画院。现为深圳画院专业画家,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师。Zheng Qiang, male, graduated from Hubei Academy of Fine Arts in 1981,taught at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts,and became director of the Chinese Painting Research Center at the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts in 1985. He worked at the Shenzhen Museum of Art since 1998,and later worked at the Shenzhen Fine Art Institute since 2003 till now. At present,he is the professional artist at the Shenzhen Fine Art Institute,the member of China Artists’ Association and a National Level-A Artist. 。作品曾获全国美展优秀奖,中国艺术大展铜奖。作品多次在《美术》等全国性专业学术刊物上发表,作品为香港艺术馆、广东美术馆、湖北艺术馆,深圳美术馆等专业机构收藏。多次参加国内外学术性美展。被书画收藏界誉为“最具收藏潜力的中国画画家”。2010年 赴克罗地亚科学艺术院雕塑博物馆参加展览;2010年 Gliptoteka HAZU - Sculpture Museum of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts,Croatia January 5-February 5, 2010.2009年 赴波兰华沙王宫博物馆参加展览;赴匈牙利布达佩斯农业博物馆参加展览;赴罗马尼亚贝尔格莱德国家现代艺术博物馆参加展览;2009年 Ink, Not Ink——Chinese Contemporary Ink and Wash Art Exhibition Warsaw Royal Castle\Zamek Krolewski w Warszawie,Warsaw , Poland September 2- October 2, 2009.Museum of Hungarian Agriculture \Magyar Mezogazdasagi Muzeum,Budapest , Hungary October 12-October 25, 2009.The National Museum of Contemporary Art of Romania,Bucharest, Romania November 3-November 14, 2009.2008年 9月27日-10月12日于深圳美术馆举办“世界巡展之旅”;于今日美术馆参加展览;赴美国费城德雷塞尔大学艺术馆参加展览;2008年 Ink is Not Ink–Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting,Shenzhen Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China & Philadelphia Museum of Art,Philadelphia, the U.SToday Museum of Art,Beijing,China December 12-December 19,2008.The Bossone Center/Paul Peck Center/Pearlstein Gallery,Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA April 2 -May 9,2008.2007年 于深圳洛丰艺术机构参加“异质的水墨”;2007年 Heterogeneity of Ink-painting,Luofeng Art Institute, Shenzhen, China.2005年 于中国美术馆参加“非常笔墨——2005当代中国画名家邀请展”;于韩国首尔美术馆参加“韩中当代水墨展”;于韩国毅斋美术馆参加“中韩水墨艺术交流展”;2005年 Not Ordinary Ink: 2005 China Notable Painter Invitation Exhibition,China Art Gallery, Beijing, China.Korea-China Contemporary Ink-painting Exhibition,Seoul Gallery of Arts, Seoul, South Korea.Sino-Korea Ink-painting Exhibition,Yizai Art Gallery, Gwangju, South Korea.2004年 于江苏省美术馆参加“傅抱石奖南京水墨画传媒三年展”;于今日美术馆参加“当代中国画家?2004年度提名展”;2004年 Fu Baoshi Award Nanjing Media & Ink-painting Exhibition,Jiangsu Provencal Art Gallery, Nanjing, China.2004 China Nominated Painter Exhibition,Jinri Gallery of Fine Arts, Beijing, China.2002年 于台湾国父纪念馆参加“水墨?新纪元”;2002年 Ink-painting New Millennium Coming Exhibition,Taiwan's Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei,China.2001年 于何香凝美术馆参加“城市俚语”;于广东美术馆参加“中国实验水墨20年”;2001年 City Slang,He Xiangning Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China.20 Year Chinese Ink-painting Exhibition,Guangdong Gallery of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China.2000年 于关山月美术馆参加“深圳国际水墨画双年展”;2000年 Shenzhen International Biennale,Guanshanyue Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China.1999年 于深圳美术馆参加“进入都市——当代实验水墨展”;1999年 Metropolis and Ink-painting Experiment Exhibition,Shenzhen Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China.1997年 于中国国家博物馆参加“中国艺术大展”;于上海美术馆参加“中国艺术大展(中国画)”;1997年 China Art Exhibition,National Gallery of China, Beijing, China.Chinese Art Exhibition,Shanghai Art Gallery, Shanghai, China.1981年 于中国美术馆参加“全国第六届美展”;1981年 The 6th National Art Exhibition,China Art Gallery, Beijing, China.
